Preparing the Contents and Deliverables

The e-Poster Session comprises of simultaneous informal presentations by several investigators. To communicate with all interested attendees, the best approach is to minimize the specific details presented on the poster and to maximize the transfer of information by creating an audio file to accompany your poster.

Your scientific message must be legible and clearly stated to the viewer. 

File Type

Poster: PDF File, maximum 200 MB.
Video (optional): A playable video via Youtube/Vimeo/Google Drive is recommended


Recommended font types: Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman

Portrait orientation format, AO size (841mm x 1189mm)



The heading indicates the title of the paper, author(s), institution, and location.


Depicting Section

Each section can be numbered with text in a font size to guide the attendee through your poster. Color is an effective method for separating sections and adding graphic impact. Try to avoid color combinations that are difficult to read.



Your poster should include three-to-five brief sentences outlining the information necessary to understand the study, and why it was done. The question(s) to be asked or the hypotheses to be tested should be clearly and succinctly stated.



Outline your methods briefly, providing only details for new methods, or modifications of older methods.



Results presented in the form of a graph or chart are always more effective than blocks of text. Provide a legend for symbols and other details, and interpretation of results below each panel.



State the conclusion succinctly in large type. (Many viewers read this first, so it should be concise and easy to understand.)

Save the recorded file name as: Poster Board Number _Presenter name_Poster Title

Example: P-10_John Smith_About APASL 2021

Dateline for submission:  29 January 2021

All Poster Presenters shall standby at their posters during all the coffee breaks to engage with the attendees in real time using the interactive Q & A feature.

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