A meeting of thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons from Asia Pacific region, recognizing that their primary responsibility to discharge for humanity in general, and in connection with their medical profession in particular.Being convinced that the sharing of information and expertise in the scientific and technological fields related to the development of the region can be enhanced by promoting cooperation between surgeons of the specialty practicing in the region.
Article I - Establishment of the Association
Section 1: There is hereby established an organization of thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons of Asia.
Section 2: The name of the organization shall be The Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia (ATCSA).
Article II - Objectives
Section 1: To improve the quality and practice of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery as a specialty in the region.
Section 2: To encourage basic and clinical research in the field of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.
Section 3: To promote the professional development of those surgeons specializing in the field of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.
Section 4: To organize and hold a regional congress for scientific presentations and discussions every year.
Section 5: To cooperate with other regional and international bodies in scientific and educational programs.
Article III - Membership
Section 1: There shall be five categories of membership: Country, Regular, Senior Honorary, and Associate Members.
Section 2: A Country Member represents the thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons of a country within the Asia-Pacific region, and whenever presents, the national thoracic and cardiovascular society of each specific country.
Section 3: Regular Members are thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons fully certified to practice in their respective countries.
Section 4: Senior Membership is automatically designated on any regular member upon reaching the age of sixty-five years. Senior Members shall possess all the rights, duties, privileges and obligation of Regular Members. Senior Members shall not be subject to membership dues.
Section 5: Honorary Membership shall be reserved for distinguished persons who have achieved prominence in the field of thoracic, cardiovascular surgery, and/or those who have contributed to the advancement of the ATCSA. Upon the recommendation of the council, Honorary Members shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership at its Annual Council Meeting.
Section 6: Associate Members are surgeons who are not yet fully certified and other allied professionals in the field of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. They cannot be elected to office but are subject to dues.
Article IV - The Council
Section 1: The governing body of the Association is the Council. The Council, with majority agreement, shall have full power to manage and act on all affairs of the Association.
Section 2: The Council will be composed of Country Members, not to exceed 3 Council Members per country.
Section 3: Each country with 10 or less certified thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons will be represented by 1 Council Member. Countries with more than 10 but less than 50 certified Surgeons may have 2 Council Members. Countries with more than 50 certified Surgeons many have 3 Council Members.
Section 4: Each country will designate 2 permanent Council Members who must actively participate in Council meetings and affairs. These permanent Council Members will serve for a period of 4 successive Congresses. They must be re-nominated or replaced by their respective countries after each term.
Section 5: The third Council or Council Member, for countries with more than 50 certified thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons, will be designated by the national thoracic and cardiovascular society of each country, preferably the current president of the respective national society. This third Council Member will have full rights and privileges as the permanent Country Members for the duration of the designation.
Section 6: The names of the Country Members, for re-nomination or replacement, and especially the third Country Member, as applicable, should be submitted to the Secretary-General, as soon as feasible, and not later than 3 months before the forthcoming congress.
Section 7: Council meetings will be chaired by the incumbent president of the Association, and co-chaired by the Secretary-General and the president-Elect/Chairman of the host organizing committee.
Section 8: Council Members, whenever appropriate, should be encouraged to actively participate during Scientific Sessions as session Chairpersons, Co-Chairperson and Reactors.
Section 9: Regular annual meetings of the Council shall be held in conjunction with the Annual Congress of Association. The Host organizing committee will arrange the time and venue for at least 2 Council meetings. The first Council meeting should be held before the opening ceremonies. The second Council meeting should be held on the second day of the Annual Congress.
Section 10: Special Council meetings maybe called by, or at the request of the incumbent President or at least 5 Council Members from any 5 different countries during the Annual congress or any other country that may be arranged.
Section 11: One – half of the voting Council Members shall constitute a quorum for the official transaction of business at any Council Meeting, provided that if less than one – half of the directors are present at said meeting, a majority of the Council Members present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
Section 12: Past Presidents may participate as lifetime ex-officio members of the Council.
Article V - The Officers
Section 1: The Officers of the Association are the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, and the Secretary-General. They will compose the Executive Committee of the Association.
Section 2: The President shall define the agenda and the preside at all meetings of the Association and at all meetings of the Council. The President may appoint ad hoc committees as deemed appropriate, provided that these shall act in an advisory capacity only and may not exercise the powers of the President or the Council.
Section 3: The President-Elect is the Organizing Chairperson of the Host Country. He is mainly responsible for the successful conduct of the Annual Congress. He will assume the duties if the President is absent or unable to perform the functions of the President.
Section 4: The Immediate Past President will serve in the Executive Committee for one-year term. He will temporarily assume the duties of the President, when both the President and President-Elect are not present.
Section 5: The Secretary-General shall perform the functions of the Secretary and Treasurer. He shall coordinate attendance to Council Meetings. He shall assist the Host Organizing Committee in coordinating with Country Members. He shall ensure that the minutes are recorded of Council Meetings, annual or special meetings of the Members, and all committee meetings that require records. The Secretary-General shall supervise the financial affairs of the Association and will provide an annual report for the presentation to the Council and general membership at the Annual Congress when appropriate.
Section 6: The Secretary-General must be committed to service twice the term of permanent Council Members or a term of 8 Consecutive Congresses. The Secretary-General may hire a permanent Secretariat during his term with funding for official expenses. At the end of this term, a new Secretary-General will be elected by the Council.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1: The Host country for the annual Congresses of the Association will be determined by the Council. Member Countries may bid to host the next 2 congresses to be voted upon by the Council during the Annual Council Meetings.
Section 2: The venue, time duration and program for the Annual Congress shall be determined by the Host organizing committee.
Section 3: The Host Country must update the Council on the progress of upcoming Congresses during the Annual Council Meetings. The Host Country must collaborate with the Secretary-General and the Country Members to ensure maximum participation of members during the Annual Congress.
Section 4: The Association will support and collaborate in the conduct of special scientific meetings, surgical workshops and forums to be conducted in member countries.
Section 5: Attendance at Annual Congresses and participation in other scientific meetings shall be optional for all Honorary and Senior Members, but it shall be expected from all Regular and Associate Members.
Article VII - Committees
Section 1: The Executive Committee will be composed of the President, the President-Elect, the Immediate Past President, and the Secretary-General.
Section 2: The Committee on Continuing Surgical Education will be responsible for organizing and supporting forums for the advancement of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery outside the Annual Congress. It should coordinate with the Host Organizing committee to optimize scheduling of scientific meetings in the Asia Pacific region to ensure maximum participation of members during the Annual Congress. It should be composed of a Chairperson designated by the Council and appropriate number of members representing the specialty fields of Adult Cardiovascular Surgery, Congenital Cardiac Surgery and General Thoracic Surgery.
Section 3: The Committee on Surgical Training will be responsible for the development of programs directed at improving the quality of training for Thoracic and Cardiovascular residents within the Asia Pacific region. The Committee will make review and make recommendations for resident exchange programs among member Countries, and for any resident award program. It should be composed of a Chairperson designated by the Council and at least 2 members for each of the specialty fields of Adult Cardiovascular Surgery, Congenital Cardiac Surgery and General Thoracic Surgery.
Section 4: The Committee on Information will maintain a written and on-line documentation of data relating to significant events of the Association. The Chairperson will be designated Historian of the Association and should collect and retain in files all images and information important to the history of the Association. The Committee should include members for maintaining an on-line presence for the Association at ATCSA's website. The Committee will assist the Secretary-General in disseminating relevant information for the Council and general membership.
Section 5: Other Committees may be organized, the President and the Council to perform specific tasks for the Association. New committees that perform vital functions for the Association may be designated as Standing Committees with the appropriate revisions of the By-Laws.
Article VIII - Finances
Section 1: The income of the Association shall consist of
1.1 Housing contributions.
1.2 Membership contributions
1.3 Subsidies, donations, legacies
1.4 Income from assets and fundraising initiatives
Article IV - Amendments
Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended by a two-third vote of the Council Members present and voting at an executive session of a property convened Annual or special Council meeting of the Association provided that the proposed amendment has been moved and seconded by not less than three members at prior executive session of the meeting or a prior Council meeting of the Association.
Section 2: Notice of each specific amendment must be delivered to each Country Members at least ninety days prior to the Annual Congress.
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